Akimine Kamijyo
Akimine KamijyoCode:Breaker




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Bought this for my son.. He really liked this manga.
Hammurabi's Code was the first written codes of law in human history, and the source of the famous "eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" quote. Now imagine a secret organization devoted to using that code for justice -- hammering down people who can't/won't be touched by the law.
The Code of Hammurabi, The Group of Vigilante, The Rotten Civilization. Mix them all and...
Hdwd sh w nym. nqshy hsh wnqdr khh ntZr dshtm `ly nbwd m dstn t ynj b ykhm nfwt, bhtr z nymh bwdh.
Wow - pretty dark stuff in this series. Basic premise is that young female student, Sakura, witnesses a murder while traveling home late one night - a young man about her age calmly setting several men on fire with a strange, blue flame.
Interesting... must read volume 2!.
Suka sama Ogami dan Sakura >.
